What a world
I've been a bit busy lately preparing my students for the big AP US History test tomorrow so I haven't had much time to post. Here are a bunch of articles that I thought interesting the last day or so.
The first is a follow up of my BLOG on Jon Stewart. It's nice to see that he commented later on his mistake. See HERE
The second is from Slate in regards to The Case for Colorblindness
The third is a trio about the foolishness of the UAW/GOV take over of dying Chrysler from The Economist, George Will, and Michael Barone. All sound minds.
The Economist: Mismanaging the Collapse
Sunbeams from Cucumbers by G Will
White House puts UAW before Property Rights by M Barone
The fourth is by Newsweek's David Ignatius on The Baby Boomers, The Whining Will get Louder (My Title) Good Stuff.
The Fifth is by Victor Davis Hanson on our modern obsession with Having it Both Ways.
6 days ago
Awww, those poor hedge fund investors. I hope they'll be okay!
Hee Hee. I'm sure they will be, but that's not the point as you realize. It's about future investors who may be leery to jump into a government run investment if later on they will be denounced as speculators and the rules will be changed on them for political expediency.
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