56 year hiatus of the Forgotten War May be Over
Probably not, but I love the North Koreans. They are so sad and lonely. They are like the fat fifth-grader in the corner of the room desperate for attention. He breaks pencils and flicks them when the teacher steps out of the room. He farts and laughs like a hyena. He picks fights with second-graders and hides when eighth-graders stroll by. As long as he's sane there is nothing to fear, but if he's mad, well then get ready for a big mess. Their grand leader is mad, but hopefully everyone around him knows what consequences lurk around the corner.
The USA must protect South Korea and Japan, but we don't want a war. We have been playing a nice balancing act in the Pacific since 1945. We need to keep it that way. North Korea with nuclear weapons is a reality. That's a done deal, but threatening neighbors can not be allowed. And most importantly selling any such nuclear or missile technology cannot happen. If so we need to sink every ship out of North Korea. We need to let China know they need to get ahold of their leash.
Here's a bunch of ARTICLES on this subject.
Dan Blumenthal and Robert Kagan from WSJ: What to do About North Korea
David Sanger from NYTimes: Tested Early, Obama Has Few Options
Fred Kaplan from Slate.com: First, Take A Deep Breath
Robert Kaplan from Atlantic: North Korea, the Next Iraq?
Christian Science Monitor: Why Obama Can't be Soft with (You know who)
6 days ago
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