New Deal, Fair Deal, Great Society, New Foundations=More Bureaucracy, Less Liberty
Obama has a new slogan for the week, I guess the New Era of Responsibility was just too hot of a handle. In his Georgetown speech he gave the old heave-hoe to Responsibility (fitting) and stuffed in "New Foundations." Foundations of what? I could be quick and snide and say 'socialism,' but I think he means a new world vision of...oh, yeah, socialism and a powerhouse executive running the show. Maybe Obama has read a little too much about Aristotle's philosopher-king obsessions and is making it his own.
Charles Krauthammer's Response
Ross Douthat warning on not dismissing TEA PARTIES
and a flash on how the Obama Administration ordered all images, including Jesus to be shrouded while he gave his speech. In which I say, if he doesn't want a policy speech to be tied to religion he shouldn't give it at a CATHOLIC JESUIT SCHOOL!!! Think a bit people. I would have told the President's aides "Thank you for thinking of us, but please find another venue."
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