Harry Truman...war criminal?
Well, according to Jon Stewart anyway. I have enjoyed Stewart a bunch in the past years but he has slowly fallen prey to overexposure and years of kudos that have inflated the head, especially in regards to his intellect and his knowledge of history. He is very wrong on Truman's decision of dropping the A-Bomb as a war crime. If he really understood the Pacific Campaign and what was on the line at the time he wouldn't say such stupid stuff. Only if he was a true, fully committed pacifist could you even remotely get away with such a comment. I'm pretty sure he's not. Under such strict guidelines every US President would be a prime candidate for a war crimes trial. Time for Stewart to get a grip.
If you don't know what I'm referring too you can see the clip from his show here.
And I know he's a comedian and comedians have a convenient way of using that as a shield, but in this full clip he is engaging in intellectual debate. He comes off as petulant child, sighing and throwing his hands up and using ad hoc attacks and straw men (must have learned that from Obama) and very naive, especially about American history. He throws around "the standard of the USA" for 200 years. What rosy, idealistic history book has he read? He has no clue about what America has gone through--the suffering, the torture, the slaughter, the hypocrisy, all the stuff that makes people people. Yes, we have high standards and yes, we should attempt to live up to them, but the purpose of the state is to protect the life, liberty, and property of the CITIZENS, not the human race. Yes, we can be a city upon a hill, but rough times create messy solutions. If the lives of thousands of US CITIZENS are endangered than the state has the right to protect them and in protection that may be extreme.
When he says he could have dropped the bomb off the coast and invited the Japanese Generals to witness it and they would have given up is naive. One, we only had 3 bombs, the Trinity test bomb, Fat Man and Little Boy. Estimated six months until we had more. The Japanese didn't give up after Hiroshima. Three days later we bombed Nagasaki as per the ultimatum. At the council meeting the Japanese generals, advisers, and Hirohito argued and only by the narrowest margins did they decide to capitulate and only after they got guarantees that Hirohito would not be tried as a war criminal. Two cities were wiped off the earth, not to mention Toyko was already burned to the ground, their navy was at the bottom of the Pacific, millions of their soldiers were already dead or wounded and even then they almost said no, we can fight on. If Jon Stewart even knew a fraction beyond a middle school history book he wouldn't say such things and make himself a bastion of righteousness.
And whoever this Cliff May guy is he's a hellofa debater, especially towards pampered celebrities who have peaked. Unfortunately Jon Stewart's in for a lot of disillusionment in the next 4 to 8 years. Obama as Commander-in-Chief will do a lot of the same stuff Bush did in regards to torture and war. Trust me. It's one thing to be a junior Senator catering moonbats and Kos-sacks on the Left and sleeping in the White House when millions of Americans rely on you to protect them and their children. I tend to think that responsibility makes you grow up and be an adult. Or at least I hope so.
4 days ago