Thursday, April 30, 2009

On...Defense of Truman & The Ignorance of Jon Stewart

Harry Truman...war criminal?

Well, according to Jon Stewart anyway. I have enjoyed Stewart a bunch in the past years but he has slowly fallen prey to overexposure and years of kudos that have inflated the head, especially in regards to his intellect and his knowledge of history. He is very wrong on Truman's decision of dropping the A-Bomb as a war crime. If he really understood the Pacific Campaign and what was on the line at the time he wouldn't say such stupid stuff. Only if he was a true, fully committed pacifist could you even remotely get away with such a comment. I'm pretty sure he's not. Under such strict guidelines every US President would be a prime candidate for a war crimes trial. Time for Stewart to get a grip.

If you don't know what I'm referring too you can see the clip from his show here.

And I know he's a comedian and comedians have a convenient way of using that as a shield, but in this full clip he is engaging in intellectual debate. He comes off as petulant child, sighing and throwing his hands up and using ad hoc attacks and straw men (must have learned that from Obama) and very naive, especially about American history. He throws around "the standard of the USA" for 200 years. What rosy, idealistic history book has he read? He has no clue about what America has gone through--the suffering, the torture, the slaughter, the hypocrisy, all the stuff that makes people people. Yes, we have high standards and yes, we should attempt to live up to them, but the purpose of the state is to protect the life, liberty, and property of the CITIZENS, not the human race. Yes, we can be a city upon a hill, but rough times create messy solutions. If the lives of thousands of US CITIZENS are endangered than the state has the right to protect them and in protection that may be extreme.

When he says he could have dropped the bomb off the coast and invited the Japanese Generals to witness it and they would have given up is naive. One, we only had 3 bombs, the Trinity test bomb, Fat Man and Little Boy. Estimated six months until we had more. The Japanese didn't give up after Hiroshima. Three days later we bombed Nagasaki as per the ultimatum. At the council meeting the Japanese generals, advisers, and Hirohito argued and only by the narrowest margins did they decide to capitulate and only after they got guarantees that Hirohito would not be tried as a war criminal. Two cities were wiped off the earth, not to mention Toyko was already burned to the ground, their navy was at the bottom of the Pacific, millions of their soldiers were already dead or wounded and even then they almost said no, we can fight on. If Jon Stewart even knew a fraction beyond a middle school history book he wouldn't say such things and make himself a bastion of righteousness.

And whoever this Cliff May guy is he's a hellofa debater, especially towards pampered celebrities who have peaked. Unfortunately Jon Stewart's in for a lot of disillusionment in the next 4 to 8 years. Obama as Commander-in-Chief will do a lot of the same stuff Bush did in regards to torture and war. Trust me. It's one thing to be a junior Senator catering moonbats and Kos-sacks on the Left and sleeping in the White House when millions of Americans rely on you to protect them and their children. I tend to think that responsibility makes you grow up and be an adult. Or at least I hope so.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

From...Robert Kagan in Foreign Policy

I would assume this is the must read essay making the rounds right now in intellectual circles. Just FYI. It's long. I'm not finished with it yet and haven't digested it either. That being said, he makes you think in new directions.

Robert Kagan in Foreign Policy on The Revenge of Geography

He made his mark with Of Paradise and Power, the must read essay of 2003. And it was fantastic.

He also had this article in the New Republic one year ago.

On...The Pultizer Prize Winners

LINK TO ALL WINNERS of the PULITZER Prizes and Finalists

Friday, April 17, 2009

From...Slate: Incredible Shrinking Job Market

Great Link from SLATE.COM

Interactive Map of the USA showing job growth/loss in every county nationwide for the last 2 years. The map made me think of nuclear hits.

On...New Foundations, Covering Jesus, & Tea

New Deal, Fair Deal, Great Society, New Foundations=More Bureaucracy, Less Liberty

Obama has a new slogan for the week, I guess the New Era of Responsibility was just too hot of a handle. In his Georgetown speech he gave the old heave-hoe to Responsibility (fitting) and stuffed in "New Foundations." Foundations of what? I could be quick and snide and say 'socialism,' but I think he means a new world vision of...oh, yeah, socialism and a powerhouse executive running the show. Maybe Obama has read a little too much about Aristotle's philosopher-king obsessions and is making it his own.


Charles Krauthammer's Response

Ross Douthat warning on not dismissing TEA PARTIES

and a flash on how the Obama Administration ordered all images, including Jesus to be shrouded while he gave his speech. In which I say, if he doesn't want a policy speech to be tied to religion he shouldn't give it at a CATHOLIC JESUIT SCHOOL!!! Think a bit people. I would have told the President's aides "Thank you for thinking of us, but please find another venue."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

On...The Decline and Fall of ...Newsweek?

Since I posted the article from Newsweek about the Decline and Fall of Christianity I thought I'd post another one of the counter articles. HERE This one is mainly how Newsweek itself is tanking much faster than Christianity. It is fascinating how our society is changing when it comes to communication and information.

The only moderate fear about all this "change" is that real fact-finding journalism will be totally displaced by editorialization and infotainment to a huge degree. Though I'm sure there will be a counterbalance somewhere as long as our markets and press are free from groupthink and censorship.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Flood that Island with Cash and Capitalism and Knowledge

When I heard the Prez Obama was going to start to lift travel restrictions to Cuba I was relieved. During the campaign it was one of the few of his numerous promises he made that I agreed with. But like many things in the last couple of months it has come out half-assed and disappointing. Restrictions only for Cuban-Americans?

A start you might say, but enough is enough. Our policy on Cuba has failed. Isolation doesn't work for Cuba. Bombard them with Jacksons and Franklins. Bombard them with Midwest and LA tourists. Send down fleets of AARPers and Spring Breakers. "Leave" behind copies of the Weekly Standard and the Washington Post and Ayn Rand and George Orwell. Open Cuba up. Ripped them out of the Marxist dustbin. The Cuban government will not be able to stop the rush. And if they do they will be the bad guys. They will lose money and world standing. It's worth a shot.

If only Obama will go all the way. His motto is starting to be "Change you can kindof, sortof, believe in, sometimes...maybe."

This Washington Post Op-Ed piece makes a number of good points on the subject. And the gullibility of some on the left too.

Monday, April 13, 2009

On...New Harry Potter Trailer (International)

Here's the link to the new Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince Trailer. Enjoy.

On...Baseball...Manny Dreaming

Manny being Manny...In the Cleve?

Here's a fluff piece on Manny Ramirez dreaming of finishing his career with the Cleveland Indians AND getting his old teammate Jim Thome to do the same. I don't think it will ever happen, but it would be nice. It would be nicer if they would have both stayed the last 9 years.

Oh, and congrats on finally winning a game, 09 Indians

From...Hitchens and Will and Bo the Non-rescued Dog

Realism on the Run from the Obamanation.

Christopher Hitchens and George Will have thematically similar articles regarding our foreign policy. Hitchens pleads to Obama to stop being so sensitive and show some more backbone.
Will questions the "community of nations" the Obama Administration is always using in their rhetoric.

Plus in the Obama disillusioned bin comes this piece on Bo, the Obama girls' new pooch. [From]

Friday, April 10, 2009

On...Opening Day 2009

It was a beautiful day at Comerica Park for the Tigers Opening Day. Sunny and 57 degrees. They had a fish fry available for those observing Good Friday. And the Tigers laid a whooping on the Rangers 15-2. Miguel Cabrera rocked a grand slam and a double for six RBIs and Andre Galarraga pitched 7 brilliant innings with 8 Ks. Good Times.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

For...Maundy Thursday

Happy Maundy Thursday Everyone

Ross Douthat has posted a few links for Holy Week. One is a Catholic follow-up to the Jon Meacham article I posted the other day.

And for more on Maundy Thursday you can go HERE and HERE

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

On...Nukes, Exageration, and TARP

For your daily consumption

Anne Applebaum from on "Obama's Odd Obsession with Universal Nuclear Disarmament."

John Dickerson also from on "The Careful Exaggerator."


Investor's Business Daily on more of why Obama and Geithner won't accept TARP money back.

And is it me or does every other day Obama have a new challenge or topic on how to save the world? Who is this guy? Does hubris mean anything to him? He has to know he can't accomplish half this stuff. He was elected President of the USA not President/Celebrity of the Planet Earth with magical powers.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

On...News Weekly's 2 Big Stories

Mainstream Essays

Time and Newsweek in the past few weeks have had large essays regarding two relevant issues. From Time we get author/journalist Kurt Anderson on The End of Excess and from Newsweek we get historian Jon Meacham on The End of Christian America. I believe both titles are a little misleading, but each have plenty to chew over--some good, some off-the-mark a bit, and some great for debate.

Many of you may find them interesting. If I get time I would like to revisit them in length.

On...Baseball Opening Day & Predictions


Yesterday kicked off the 2009 Baseball season and already the Indians got crushed. Oh, well. 161 games to go. Here are my predictions for the year.

American League

East--Red Sox
Central--Indians (The Indians usually play well in odd years for some reason)

National League


World Series Prediction Using My Mind: Angels over Mets in 6
World Series Using My Heart (and fairy dust): Indians vs. Cubs (And it doesn't matter who wins in 7)

Other predictions:
  • I think both Grady Sizemore and Curtis Granderson will have HUGE years.
  • I think Cliff Lee will only go 14-12 this year.
  • Tigers will hover around .500 but pitching will be their downfall.
  • Magglio, Guillen, and Robertson will be traded if things so south.
Also the MLB Application for the IPhone is very sweet, even with the $9.99 price. Live audio for every game! No blackouts, box scores, video, stats, standings, everything. Awesome!

Monday, April 6, 2009

On...Various Stuff about our POTUS

Take these as you will.

I always want our nation to be successful and this goes for our President, but I wish him success if he handles things differently. For one I think he is too staged. I don't think he can handle a real back and forth with lots of curveballs [SEE the UK paper The GUARDIAN]. There will be events he can't prepare for, sit down and think about and sleep on. Professors are rarely generals. Especially when you must face down Russians, Koreans, and Persians.

Also I have real suspicion when it comes to his motives domestically. (Even beyond Socialism) It is beginning to seem that he desires real power as much as W but in a very different way. Not everyone has come down from Cloud 9 yet but I think they will see how much he is expanding presidential power to unheard of heights. He definitely sees power as something to use and he is just getting warmed up. [SEE WSJ and another Brit's take on power grabs] I don't think he understands business. He sees it as an outsider. He sees the possibilities and positives of capitalism, but he doesn't really grasp how it works and why it works. He's like a kid who finds this great toy but uses it all wrong then breaks it.

And lastly we'll see how Obama handles North Korea. This area I'm most concerned, not about our civil liberties, but our reputation for strength in the world. There will be one rookie mistake (beyond missile shields removal for peace) at least. I'd rather see it with NK than with Iran or Russia.

Kim Jong-iL's Gamble
The Guardians Take on Historical Irony

Sunday, April 5, 2009

On... Winning Your NCAA Office Bracket


I'd like to give myself kudos for winning my NCAA Office Bracket for the first time in 9 tries. Thank you, thank you.

Usually I start off strong then fade. This year I started off a bit weak (middle of the pack from about 30 entries after the Sweet Sixteen) then finished strong. I did pick MSU and NC to face off in the final. Based on point calculations I win regardless if NC wins or loses on Monday Night. This is very well because I'm rooting for Michigan State to win even though three weeks ago I picked NC to win it all. Who could have foreseen MSU actually beating Kansas AND Louisville AND UConn. What a run! Izzo deserves another raise.

On...Jedi Mind Tricks

May the force be with you!

Here's an article regarding how the whimsy of Star Wars conquers each new generation of kids. My guess it because it rocks. (Not counting the lame love dialogue of the prequels.)

SLATE: Why Does Star Wars Still Take Over the Minds of Little Boys?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

On...Urban Farming

A New Fad? Something "Green" That Actually Intrigues Me

My wife Katie has been talking for years how Detroit could benefit from what she called Urban Farming. Maybe something like this could happen, though various hurdles like corruption of a racist and idiotic city council, safety/crime, and toxic pollution may be too much to overcome.
The Detroit Free Press and journalist John Gallagher had an article last Thursday about local businessman John Hantz and his dream of Urban Farming in Detroit. See it below.


Urban (I don't necessary endorse this group since I don't know much about them, but you can check them out.)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

On...The Answer to Totalitarian Democratic Republics


Someone has finally given a decent answer to a question that has bugged me for some time. Why do the most oppressive nations use monikers like Democratic and Republic in their official names when they are anything but? Especially when the hate the West and all the traits that we stand for.

Well, here is the answer.

SLATE.COM: The Undemocratic People's Republic of Korea

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

On...Iran, Israel, Obama, & Bibi

This interview between the Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is making the rounds. Here it is below, along with Ross Douthat's blog-related post.

ATLANTIC: Netanyahu to Obama-Stop Iran or we will.

ROSS DOUTHAT: Deterring Iran