Welcome Back (Hopefully to stay)
I've enjoyed David Brooks for sometime. His book Bobos in Paradise is a minor classic, but the last few years he has become the most staunch and mythical centrist on the planet. I've had a number of conversations about him with colleagues and he has almost become a joke on how middle of the road-utopian he has tried to be. I don't know if occurred when he was hired by the New York Times to be their token "conservative" or it's simply his good guy genes. Occasionally he has a good article but he's been so centrist it's sucked the life out of his writing. He had been the post-boy for post-partisanship. I don't know how such a smart guy can belief in such magical nonsense. Obama and Rove-clone Gibbs are already using bi-partisanship as a weapon against the Right. [Isn't Gibbs just odious? He makes me physically sick.]
Well, maybe Brooks is having the avalon-snakeskin removed from his eyes. He really nails this whole GM-Obama-Big Government mess on the head in his article today.
I encourage everyone to read it. It goes nicely with the Detroit News' latest editorial.
DETROIT NEWS: DeFacto Take Over
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