The Pretty Boys (Or I thought the GOP was only full of old codgers like these Two)
I imagine it is very difficult for any presidential candidate to keep their old peers in line but the Obama camp needs to tell a few loudmouth congressmen to shut up or they are going to blow the whole deal. I know the Democrats are beside themselves with glee just thinking of the possibilities of a November windfall, but the deal isn't done yet and if they keep mouthing off they might just pull off the impossible and lose. The Democrats are known for pulling a loss out of the jaws of victory.
I speak of both John Murtha of PA and Barney Frank of MA.
Murtha's 'racist' and 'redneck' lines may cost him his seat and maybe even Pennsylvania for B.O. (wow I just realized that's Barack Obama's initials. Funny, in a juvenile way)
And Barney Franks' desire to cut 25% out of the defense budget in the first session of Congress and "eventually" raise taxes, which to a lot of liberals is probably a fine idea, but for a candidate already a little thin on military/foreign policy credentials and being hit with the tax and spend line this can't help much.
Even if it's the truth B.O. needs to tell them to stop talking (which they have probably done).
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