Can Obama Deliver?
I mean this in a couple of ways.
1) Can he close? Can he not be like other Democrats gunning for the big show and actually win down the stretch? We'll see.
2) Can he live up to expectations once elected? There are pockets of Americans who are ready to explode in a joyous orgasm at his victory. They do understand this is only one guy right? They understand we are not electing a King with absolute powers, right? Yeah, he's got Hope and he's got Reform, but it is so vague even the pundits don't know exactly where he stands. Is he a unity centrist or a dividing leftist or will he try to be a uniting leftist? Who knows? He has done little and says less. He's not Bush and that seems to be enough. He still (miraculously) has that new car smell. I can't believe it has lasted this long but it can't last forever. Can it last until Tuesday?
Obama can still be anything to everyone, that's his cool genius. He is still the enigma. However you can't govern as an enigma. You can't vote present in the White House. Obama needs to be someone finally and when he finally comes out of his cocoon the people expecting him to be a butterfly will be shocked he's a moth (or vise-versa). He can't be all things to all people. There is going to be disillusionment from somewhere. It is inevitable. Does he go to war to defend Israel from Iran? Does he widen the war in Afganistan into Pakistan? Does he demand a renegotiation of NAFTA even though our partners don't want it? Does he raise taxes? Will he actually cut middle class taxes? Can he deliver Health Care? Will he be pushed around by Pelosi and Congress? Will the economic crisis hobble him? Voters may want fantasy and superman but they are going to get a big dose of reality.
Maybe we are ready for intellectual aloofness but I feel the public will tire of him if doesn't descend from Olympus (then again if he does come down others will dislike him for not being a god.)
The Presidency
Why anyone would want this job is beyond me. The American Presidency and Democracy in general grinds you up and spits you out. Look at Clinton and Bush after 8 years. In my historical estimate only 3 presidents in the last 100 years have left the office alive with their reputation intact or enhanced and only barely. 2 were Eisenhower and Reagan and they bore major wounds. The last was Coolidge and he only escaped because he didn't seek reelection so he avoided most of the blame for the Great Depression. We'll give him a 1/2
Let's take a look shall we?
1901--McKinley beloved but shot. Reputation pretty intact, but dead.
1909--Teddy Roosevelt leaves the White House in good shape, but sullies it with a Party splitting run in 1912 that allows Wilson and the Democrats to take over.
1913--Taft is denied reelection with a sorry 3rd place finish.
1921--Wilson, stroke and all, has no political pull left after the Treaty of Versailles defeat and his strong-arm tactics during the war (nationalization of the Railroads, the Creel Committee, & the Espionage Acts among many others). His party is creamed in the 1920 election by Warren "Normalcy" Harding.
1923--Harding dead. Reputation ruined by all the corruption scandals that came to light after his death.
1929--Coolidge escapes the Great Depression by retiring back to Vermont. Smart move.
1933--Hoover, Great Depression, nuff said.
1945--FDR, beloved but dead.
1953--Truman, would have been crushed by Ike, retires with Bush-like approval ratings after the Korean War turns stalemate.
1961--Ike survived the slings and arrows but his VP Nixon is defeated in a close election. Probably would have won a third term if that had been possible.
1963--JFK, dead.
1969--LBJ doesn't seek reelection, trapped in the White House as Vietnam and the Great Society leave a real bitter taste.
1973--Tricky Dick, Watergate, Smoking Gun, Resigns
1977--Ford, Pardons Nixon, S Vietnam falls, defeated by unknown southern governor.
1981--Carter, Iran Hostage, Stagflation, Energy crisis, Panama Canal giveaway, denied reelection in landslide.
1989--Reagan, Iran-Contra Aside and a massive debt would have been reelected had that been possible and he was younger. VP wins.
1993--Bush, Cold War ends, Gulf War victory, but Recession, Tax-hikes, and Perot deny him reelection.
2001--Clinton--Impeached--a black mark if there ever was one, though I hate to say it may have been reelected for a third term.
2009--GW Bush--you get the idea.
This is what Obama has to look forward to. Hey, 2 1/2 out of 19 ain't bad!
Obama is the most inexperienced candidate for president either major party has ever nominated.
He has been less challenged by the media more than any presidential candidate in my living political memory.
We see him only through darkened glass.
How will he lead is the most entertaining thing about his possible win.
It will be fun to watch his selectorate disappointed when he fails to be whatever it was they thought he was.
Who will he blame when his party controls large majorities in congress and things don’t change or improve?
2010 will be a bellwether for 2012.
I fully expect him to play the "Bush Card" every time he needs it to shore up his political capital. Although it won't fool me, the Bush Card should be extremely effective for years to come with the millions of devoutly religious members of The Church of Obama's-The-One, Bishop Keith Olbermann presiding.
Answer to my question from the skeptical optimist at www.optimist123.com
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