Thursday, November 19, 2009

On...The Constitutionality of Mandated Health Insurance

George Will brings to our attention the much neglected debate about the constitutionality of Federal Mandated Health Insurance. Will Obamacare (if passed, which looks more likely every day) succumb to the Supreme Court as being unconstitutional? Interesting. Are we in uncharted water? Certainly the Founding Father's never envisioned the expansion of the state into personal lives such as this. But unfortunately that hasn't stopped us before.

Could a possible scenario be that Obamacare passes and is activated, then the outrage against it makes 2010 look like 1994 all over again and in the midst of that flip in power the Supreme Court nullifies the law? Will an amendment be needed? Or could it merely pass and the nation assimilates over time to the new taxes and mediocre healthcaregrab? Man I love the possibilities of history.


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