Friday, May 21, 2010

On... The Marines

With the increase of soldiers in Afghanistan in preparation for the summer offensive and the conclusion of the HBO miniseries The Pacific past, Victor Davis Hanson has Marines on the mind. And rightfully so. Even with all their peculiarity and bravado, the Marines are useful and their style is useful. Perhaps not the best in all situations but there are times when Marines do what they have been bred to do. Yes, bred. But not always liked. See the article below


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The (Fantasy) World According to Contessa Brewer

It is amazing that people (especially people who get paid in a media career) can think in such a way. Who thinks this way? And who actually states it out loud? This is a mindset that I can't wrap my head around. What world are they living in? This PC fantasy world where they wish 9/11 (and every other conflict/prejudice between races, religions, etc. )never happened and everyone holds hands and sings and embraces each other and compliment are showered all around about their awesome differences is such mawkish tripe. Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.

The (Fantasy) World According to Contessa Brewer