Tuesday, April 7, 2009

On...Baseball Opening Day & Predictions


Yesterday kicked off the 2009 Baseball season and already the Indians got crushed. Oh, well. 161 games to go. Here are my predictions for the year.

American League

East--Red Sox
Central--Indians (The Indians usually play well in odd years for some reason)

National League


World Series Prediction Using My Mind: Angels over Mets in 6
World Series Using My Heart (and fairy dust): Indians vs. Cubs (And it doesn't matter who wins in 7)

Other predictions:
  • I think both Grady Sizemore and Curtis Granderson will have HUGE years.
  • I think Cliff Lee will only go 14-12 this year.
  • Tigers will hover around .500 but pitching will be their downfall.
  • Magglio, Guillen, and Robertson will be traded if things so south.
Also the MLB Application for the IPhone is very sweet, even with the $9.99 price. Live audio for every game! No blackouts, box scores, video, stats, standings, everything. Awesome!


Vincetastic said...

These are legitimate picks, the only one I disagree with is having the Cardinals winning the NL Central.

Vincetastic said...

Oh yeah, I made a top ten list of my projections for the regular season results: http://www.toptentopten.com/topten/projected+baseball+teams+2009+regular+season. I think my picks are solid, if you don’t agree you can actually change the order by voting.