Three Articles on Three Different Topics of Note
First Charles Krauthammer disagrees with Attorney General Eric Holder's decision on the KSM trial in New York City. He makes some damn good points that need answering, especially about how these are looking like show trials. We all know he's not walking free.
Second, Politico looks at the Chicago-style hit Obama has made on his consul Greg Craig that has a number of his supporters taking another look at their Man of Hope.
Third, Mort Kondracke looks at the deficit and how that brings out the rumblings of a third party. I think this will be avoided if one party actually starts to be fiscally responsible. Hmm. maybe it will happen.
PS: Just wanted to add on VDH's quote on the KSM trial as well.
"Punishing KSM" means giving the liberal community a world platform for legal gymnastics designed to repudiate the past administration and demonstrate that community's "tolerance" — without much worry about justice for KSM or the adverse effects of giving such a monster a public megaphone.
PSS: Mickey Kaus (see to the right) makes comments on both the Health Care Bill and the Greg Craig controversy. HERE
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