Mark Steyn brings up a very interesting aside in his latest op/ed piece. HERE. The gist of it comes from a question someone asked him recently, "Why are politicians so weird?" This referred to the numerous sex scandals within both parties--most recently Gov. Mark Sanford (or anyone who 'hangs' with Joe Biden or Barney Frank I assume--WEIRD).
And if you know local politicians they are normally just as loony. Modern politics breeds a certain species of human.
His theory is you have to be odd or serious warped to do all the things you have to do to get elected and stay elected. If you think about it I can certainly understand. Sure elected office has some appeal to me, but only some. It is most the world of fantasy. What a pain in the ass public office has to be? The hours, the fund-raising, the media, the scrutiny, the PUBLIC. Maybe Steyn is right and we will get more and more wack-jobs. The second part of his theory is this is all akin to the rise of big government. We'll see. I hope not. But think about all the monarchs and their ilk and all the power they possessed AND the weirdness that ensued.
Limited government. Boring government. Non-coercive government. That's the ticket.
In a similar vein, Victor Davis Hanson remarks on our Victorian nature HERE.
I'll leave you with another classic quote from HL Mencken.
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
H. L. Mencken
It's like he's speaking to ooooohhhh GLOBAL WARMING!PS: And why are so many politicians ugly? Have you seen Henry Waxman? Get this guy a paperbag.
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