I pray that Sarah Palin has thick skin, because the wolves are circling. Hell, they're are already pouncing. (See Dee Dee Meyer in Vanity Fair for an instant attack and Barbara Boxer's two cents). "Heartbeat away", "Dangerous" "Dan Qualye 2"etc. Her life will never be the same.
I, like almost everyone in the lower 48 states, have only recently heard her name (about 3 months ago for myself) and are really only looking at her closely in the last 24 hours. I'm sure the Alaska State page will crash today.
McCain has made a bold choice and a wonderfully scary calculated-choice. Roll the dice! He didn't go with the safe pick like Obama did. Between Obama's speech last night and McCain's pick today we have reached the end of the beginning of this crazy campaign and have truly entered the next phase.
Obama got his McCain in the form of Joe Biden and now McCain's gone with a Obama/Hillary hybrid (young, female, outsider, reformer)
I don't mind the Democrats and their talking head's comments. What do you expect? "The Republicans picked a Republican as their VP?! Pro-life? Pro-Individual gun ownership!? Pro-property!? Free Markets!? Less Government?! An Alaskan who likes OIL! Outrageous!" It reminds me of all the anger in the noosphere when the Catholic Church had the audacity to pick a Catholic as pope. What really matters is how Palin will play with Republicans and the all important fence-sitters.
Reading up on Palin there is much to like for conservatives and libertarians and reformers. She may be a little too evangelical for my own personal tastes but you can't get everything. My first impressions are good (almost exciting), but we'll all have to wait and see.
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"Obama got his McCain in the form of Joe Biden and now McCain's gone with a Obama/Hillary hybrid (young, female, outsider, reformer)"
I would hardly call her McCain's Obama, having heard her speak today. And I see no way she is like Hillary, except for her gender. So hybrid, I think she is not.
Did you read the NYT magazine write up on Obama's economic approach? I think it has gotten too little press, but that is because people like to generalize democratic economic ideas instead of actually reading an article, position paper, or platform. Is that a challenge to read the piece? Yes, yes it clearly is.
Maybe you want to reread what you cut and pasted. (young, female, outsider, reformer)
I don't believe speaker was one of the words nor anything else about Hillary except female so I stand by my hybrid statement base on the four things I wrote, not on imaginary things I didn't write.
I find it funny that the only two people who I think read my blog are Democrats and hammer away at any little apparent crack in the armor especially on items that are not explicitly there i.e. that I believe woman should be in the kitchen and silent or something or that Sarah Palin is a perfect-science fiction-esque hybrid of every personally trait or both Obama and Hillary.
Love you guys!
I get back to you on the NYT Mag
no, I can actually read just fine.
The speaker comment was in reference to Obama's perceived strength - being an excellent public speaker, and moving and connecting to people through his speeches. Having heard her speak, I do not think she is McCain's Obama, or even at least McCain's half Obama, as you suggested she was by calling her an Obama Hillary Hybrid.
Maybe you want to re-read what I wrote..? I didn't try to crack your armor, nor did I assert you said that "Sarah Palin is a perfect-science fiction-esque hybrid of every personally trait or both Obama and Hillary." I simply said I see no way that she is a hybrid.
She reminds me of neither Hillary, nor Obama, and I intentionally included your four descriptive words young, female, outside, reformer. I thought you were trying to say that because she is those things, she is a hybrid pick.
I didn't agree.
First, which of the Senators is really an outsider? If neither, than that is not a reflective quality in her that would make her a hybrid of anything. Some might argue that Obama is running as an outsider, and I would disagree. I think he is intentionally downplaying any "outsider" status, because it feeds into the experience /inexperience argument. I think he is actually running as the guy who says "Insider/Outsider doesn't matter, it is what you do when you become inside that matters. Hey - maybe I'm inside now, but I reflect both." That is a poor description, but I think it is what he is doing.
Reformer is a word I most often hear as code for McCain, not for Hillary or Obama, so I also don't see how her reformer status makes her a hybrid. Unless maybe you were equating the political code word "change" as "reform," and thus arguing that she is a hybrid Obama because she is a reformer, and he is a changer, and that is the same.
Anyway, I could go on and address young, but I think you get my point. (are they young? or is that too code for not experienced?)
I wasn't trying to rip you down or Palin, I just disagree with the idea that you posted that she is somehow a hybrid. (Cylon?)
"I find it funny that the only two people who I think read my blog are Democrats..." - You Love it. Be Honest.
It sure did grab the news cycle, didn't it?
I don't need to get involved in this one, but yours is the only conservative blog in my Reader. You should feel honored :)
I was also trying to work out a pun for 18 million little cracks in your armor.. So pretend I came up with something witty and put that here.
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