With the solid control of the Federal government the Democratic Party appears to be in a solid position and can pass what they will for they have the numbers. And they are starting to act like the teenager who has gotten hold of their parents' American Express Gold Card. The spending, short and long term, is only beginning. They want to do everything and everything costs money. Personally I can't understand the basis of it, but I can of course only watch and shake my head.
Maybe everyone should just spend like the Federal Government. Not only personally but as a nation. Republicans shouldn't even pretend they care about slowing down the nanny-state and join the party. Why should anyone be responsible? It's just other people's money. Screw the rich, damn them, take what they got and give it to the speculators and the lazy and the incompetent capitalists and the unlucky. No failure. Everyone's a king! To quote Helen Lovejoy "Won't someone please think of the children?!"
This isn't where I was planning on going, but I haven't blogged in a while though I've had a lot of ideas. The main focus was on the possible factions within the Democratic Party regarding the Energy and Green Agenda. Specifically the Clean Coal War that is brewing. I've seen the billboards all over West Virginia and elsewhere. This is clearly opposite of the California-East Coast Greenies. See the Coen Brothers Anti-Coal Ad HERE.
See this ARTICLE from the WSJ which further articulates the message. Maybe just wishful thinking for the GOP. They are equally fractured. If we are still in economic hard-times in 2012 get ready for a third party run. Bloomberg the stage is set.